Location plays a critical part in managing value chains. Some of the dominant factors in determining where to locate manufacturing facilities include:
- Favorable Labor Climate
- Proximity to Markets
- Quality of Life
- Proximity to Suppliers and Resources
- Proximity to Parent Company's Facilities
- Utilities, Taxes, and Real Estate Costs
I've considered the possibilty of starting a small tax return preparation business. The thought has come to mind to bring the service to the customer. I'm sure it's not a new idea or concept. It could save time to be in the customer's home where they keep their repository of records because sometimes people aren't sure what records to bring to the office. Time is wasted contacting the customer for new needed information and then waiting for the new information to arrive. Often times, multiple reminders are needed. The customer's home would be a prime location to sit down and complete the tax return. I only have one major reservation about the idea though--liability risk. If my computer were to blow-up and start a fire, I would feel better about it happening to my office space versus my customer's home, etc.
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